jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015


sábado, 5 de julio de 2014



Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree and has been popular for thousands of years. The Aztecs in South America used cocoa beans to make  a chocolate drink  wish was refreshing and nourishing but bitter to taste in Europe ,sweetener  were added and modern chocolate contains cocoa , butter, sugar ,and cream or milk.
BUT IS CHOCOLATE GOOD FOR YOU? First the good news.

Research a Harvard University suggests that people who eat chocolate three times a month will live almost a year longer than people who don´t.

Chocolate contains flavonoids-substances that can reduce the _________Of coronary artery diseases .Chocolate also contains small amounts of caffeine which  can  be  beneficial as it ________________your endurance and ________________feeling of fatigue.

Eating chocolate makes you feel good .Like other  sweet food chocolate stimulates the releases  of endorphins –natural body hormones that produce feelings of  pleasure  and help to lift your________________ and because chocolate melts in the mouth at body temperature .It produces  a  wonderful , silky sensations that people love. According to psychologists ,this is one of the main reasons why people can  become addicted to chocolate.

But is not  all good  news ____________________chocolates contains  a lot  of calories –just 100 g of milk chocolate contains 520 Kcals. while dark chocolate contains  510 Kcals. That’s about the ______________________number of calories as 2.5 Kg. of grapes or 300gramos of grilled chicken.

The Harvard research also suggests that people  who eat too much chocolate have a ____________ live  expectancy . Chocolate is __________________in saturated fats and sugar, so eating  too much can contribute to  obesity and related  health problems. And the sugar and chocolate can cause ________________decay.

But is you really can’t resist chocolate, eat dark chocolate- it’s higher in cocoa than milk chocolate and helps to increase levels of HDL a type cholesterol that helps prevent  fat clogging up arteries.
1. - Read the text quickly .Who is this information for:

a. - Doctors
b.- Nutritionists
c.-the general public
2.-Read the text again and complete it using words from below:
4.-Complete the following sentences with the words :
After---slowly----full-----100 g per day----- quality____ fresh
1) Eat good _________dark chocolate, not milk or white chocolate.
2) Eat chocolate after a meal when you are ________________
3) Don’t eat more than  ________________
4) Clean your teeth ___________ eating chocolate
5) Eat it with ________fruit
6) Eat it ________________ so that you can experience the full flavour.
3.-  Link  these  words  from the text with the correct definitions :
a.    Pros and cons
b.    Fatigue
c.    Sensation
d.    Addicted to
e.    Contribute to
f.     Clog up
1.    To help cause something
2.    Feeling
3.    Tiredness
4.    To block
5.    Good points and  bad points
6.    Can’t stop doing something eating etc..

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013




In the  first few  days of my  Oncology  placement I watched  nurses  doing  drug  calculations and administering  chemotherapy . They were helpful to me an talked me through what they were doing . I found out that though drugs are checked by the pharmacy, the ward nurses always check them again. If a patient is on a combination of drugs , then  the calculations nurses  do can be quite  complicated  ,especially if the drugs are administered  via pump .Later in my placement  I started  to do  drug calculations  myself and  my  confidence  grew.

Then came the time when I was on night shift. The ward was extremely busy and I assisted the charge nurse as he gave out medication . I asked If  I could give out some medication myself and, when  he  agreed ,I picked up the medicine pot for my first patient , and gave  him the tablets . Almost immediately, I realized that  I had given him the  wrong  ones. Because chemo medication is cytotoxic. And potentially fatal .I knew that the consequences of my mistake could be disastrous.

I went into a panic and started  to sweat  and  shake .I rushed  to the charge  nurse  and told him what  I had done . He called the doctor who came  within minutes. That gave me a chance  to compose myself –after all .panic ,would not help the situation  at all. In the end it was OK . The doctor said  that the patient  would not  suffer  any ill effects  from this particular  medication .


What did I learn from this? I learned  how important  it is to be alert  and careful  and about  the  kind of stress .I will have to deal  with when I am fully  qualified .Perhaps my mistake would never  have been noticed ,but I  know that I did  the  right  thing by telling the charge  nurse  what  I had  done . If I had said nothing. I would never have learned how important it is to follow the correct procedure  and check  and check again

I.-Reflective writing:

Read the student’s nurse  reflections  on an experience  and say  which title a-d is the best  one for each paragraph  1 -4

a.- The lesson________

b.- The observation_______

c.- The error __________

d.-Reassurance ________(reaffirmation )

II.- Decide  which of the following  is the most accurate summary of the student nurse’s experience :

a. When I was on placement, I observed a mistake being made . A patient was given the wrong medicine and nearly died. But it was OK in the end .The Doctor saved his life  and I learned  how important it is to be careful when administering  drugs and how  easy it is to make a mistake .

b. One Oncology placement did taught me a very important lesson. I made the wrong calculation and gave the wrong quantity of medicine to a patient .I stayed calm and kept quiet and because of this everything turned  out all right in the end .I learned never to panic in a crisis and always to double –check drug calculations.

c. Honesty is the best policy when you make a mistake. I learned that from the time on the Oncology ward  when I gave the wrong medicine  to a patient . My mistake taught me about the importance of accuracy in administering drugs and how  to keep  calm in difficult situations.

III.-Respond the following questions

1.    The drugs are checked by the pharmacy and the ward nurses always  check and check again?(     )

2.    The calculations nurses  do can be quite complicated  ,especially if the drugs are administered  via pump (     )

3.    The consequences of my mistake could not  be disastrous.(     )

4.    The nurse called the doctor who came within minutes.(     )

5.    I learned how important it is to be alert and careful  and about the kind of stress(     )

6.    If I had said nothing. I would never have learned how important it is to follow  the correct procedure and check  and check again  (     )